(3rd son of John & Louise Rossier)
Born: 1853 - Switzerland
A New Twist on an Old Tale
For many years members of the Rossier family have heard, and passed on the story of a baby
who was born aboard the ship as John's family journeyed from Switzerland to Canada. Some
versions of the story state the baby died soon after birth and was buried at sea. Others have
said the baby died but wasn't buried until the destination was reached, stating the baby was
then buried on land.
Evidence now proves neither of these stories to be entirely accurate. Baby Paul was really
born in Switzerland in the summer of 1853. His full name was Paul Samuel Rossier. He was
several months old when John's family left Switzerland in mid-April of 1854. It is true Louise
was pregnant when she left, however, it wasn't with Paul, but with her next child, Clara.
Due to bad weather, the trip took over six weeks. During this time, Paul became gravely ill.
The ship arrived at St. Pie, Canada on the first day of June, 1854. Paul died on June 5th and
was buried at St. Pie.
Clara was born September 7th of the same year. The Rossier family lived in St. Pie for over a
year before going to Grande Ligne in the fall of 1855.
This information was contained in Clara's own writings which have proved to be very
accurate. Thus - there is no reason to believe that this could be otherwise. This should, once
and for all, put to rest the legend of Baby Paul!