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Copyright 1996 Gifford Rossier
Copyright 2014 Charles Rossier

To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven.
A time to be born, and a time to die;
A time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted
Ecclesiastes 3:1-2

This book is dedicated to the descendants of Rev. John D. Rossier who came from Switzerland in 1854 and eventually settled in northern Vermont.

He was the father of 14 children and had at least 42 grandchildren. Many of us can look back at our parents or grandparents and in the character of these people we can recognize the traits instilled by the dedicated, faithful man whom God used to do His work.

There has never been a period of time in the history of the world when there has been such drastic changes as in the last few generations. In this short span of time, the mode of travel has come from horse power and steam power to jet and out-of-space travel. Our writing and recording techniques have come from the straight steel pointed pen with an ink well to the seemingly endless capabilities of the sophisticated computer. When you think of the hundreds of years that have gone by in ages past with hardly any progress in the way people lived, we have to feel fortunate to have seen this span of time.

Some of the Rossier families have lived long lives, well into their 80's and 90's but others had their lives cut short. Some, in their prime years, others so young that they were never to experience what it is like to have a family of their own.

Every day we take a step down the path way of life, a step we can never take again. We are guided by our own experience, by knowledge of those who went on before us, and by the hand of God. Let us now reflect as we follow the Footprints In Our Path!.

I would like to apologize in advance for any errors and/or omissions in this book. It was my desire to have information and pictures of all the descendants of J.D. Rossier, but after working on this project for 16 ears of my spare time, I feel the task is nearly endless. I have put together what was available to me and I hope you will each add your own family line to it. I hope you enjoy the book.

On any page click on an arrow to go to the parent, older sibling, or younger sibling


I would like to express my sincere gratitude for the information, pictures, and assistance I received from the following people:

Geraldine Babcock     Sandra Church     Edith Devine     Mary-Jane Dodds     Henry Druschell     Elizabeth Jackson*     Judy Johnson     Earl Perrier     Mabel Provisor*     Dale Rossier     Douglas&Mary Rossier     Ida Rossier     Kevin Rossier     Leonard Rossier*     Patricia Rossier     Roland Rossier     Stanley Rossier     Wesley Rossier*     Linda Rubick     Harriet Ryder     Esther Smith     Elizabeth Jane Taylor     Marion Taylor    

* Now Deceased.

And to several other relatives of whom I have asked many questions.

NOTE: The purpose of this book is first and foremost to help enlighten us as to how we fit into the family tree. Second, to let us know who are ancestors were. Third, for those of us who have expressed an interest in having cousins contact us, saying who we are. In this way we may create more interest in the family and strengthen family bonds.

"Blest be the tie that binds"

Gifford O. Rossier, author

Editor's Note

After Gifford completed this book he mailed copies to relatives who had contributed to it. My mother, Ida Rossier, received a copy. After several years I found my mother's copy. I had a career working with computers and realized that the book could be published on the Internet. I transcribed and photocopied the book then published it as the Web site, "". As Gifford dedicated the book to all of us - the descendants of J.D. Rossier - I have tried to make it available to as many of us who can find it and are interested in knowing about our family. After creating the Web site I added information from my immediate family; added information from genealogical research (a tiny bit; and added information I received from several cousins.

Cousins have come looking for photos of their ancestors. Gifford managed to obtain a few. Unfortunately, the copy of the book I received has poor quality photos from old fashioned Xerox machine copying (yes, I remember when the Xerox was a brand new invention). I have tried my best to enhance the images, but I have reached my limit. Anyone who has photos that they would like to share with the rest of the family may copy them and send them to me by mail, fax, or email. Also, please provide corrections or additions to the information in the book. I will try to update the Web site a couple times a year for as long as I am able.

Charles A. Rossier, editor 2014